Our Story

purchased 25 undeveloped acres that would become Black Dog Farm in May of 2001. After much hard work and many long hours, the farm has been developed into a small eventing facility. Beth Davidson is currently building a smaller barn and has downsized the acreage to a working farm of 14 acres. We continue to breed, primarily Connemara halfbreds for eventing.
The farm has gone on to breed the 2015 USEF Halfbred Connemara of the Year in Eventing (awarded to Black Dog’s Top of the Morning, aka Mia) and syndicate the incredible New Forest Pony Forrest Nymph (accomplished CCI3* eventing pony with Sinead Halpin). In 2019, BDF Top Dun won the USDF Region 3 Championship at Training Level with his owner, Danielle Comley. In 2021, Nataly Pacheco took Farrah (Forrest Nymph) out of retirement to finish in 6th place at the AEC's at the Modified Level. BDF Tag You're It and his owner, Carla Jimmerson, won the ACPS Region 4 Halfbred Connemara Champion, Dressage Champion and Jumper Reserve Champion.
Beth Davidson

Beth Davidson
is an FEI Steward for Eventing, Show Jumping and Dressage and a Dressage Technical Delegate “R”. Beth travels throughout the year to shows to officiate, in addition to working as a consulting biologist on a free lance basis. Beth’s background in horses began in the 6th grade, and she has competed to the Level 2 jumpers, 2nd level dressage and Training level eventing. Beth enjoys working with babies and starting young horses, so most get sold on before they are going at a high level. Beth is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Zoology).

both ride - Anneke is currently Eventing at the Novice level and Brylie mostly rides for fun, as she was a competitive gymnast and now her sport is judo. The girls enjoy growing up on a farm with their many dogs and cats and the wildlife that abounds here at Black Dog Farm.
The Davidson Sisters